Above: George Merrill drives a young Shire at Troika Drafts in Hebron, Maine. Photo by Vicki Schmidt.
Reference Materials
Visit our Bookstore for the most extensive collection of draft horse resources.
How Should I Choose a Horse?
by Jenifer Morrissey with many friends from the Front Porch
Safe Horse Techniques
Safe Horse Techniques
by Jenifer Morrissey (with Doc Hammill)
Hitching Safely
by Jenifer Morrissey (with Doc Hammill)
Neither Carrot Nor Stick
by Jenifer Morrissey (with Doc Hammill)
Where Driving Differs
by Jenifer Morrissey (with Doc Hammill)
Daily Opportunities for Creating Safe Horses
by Jenifer Morrissey (with Doc Hammill)
Preventing Wrecks
by Jenifer Morrissey (with Doc Hammill)
Horse Power For Natural Farming –
series by Ken Laing
Work Horses in a Market Garden
(3 Part Series by Stephen Leslie)
Ilustrations and Drawings
Parts of the Horse
by Bethany Caskey
Bone Structure of the Horse
by Bethany Caskey
Horse Gaits
by Bethany Caskey
Draft Horse Breeds
by Bethany Caskey
Additional Resources
Above: Belgian team plowing.
Teams for Sale
Find and/or list a
Mule or Donkey Team for sale.
Information on trimming, clipping, repair, materials, shoes, stocks, and forge work.
Many articles about caring for your horse including nutrition,
breeding, disease, EPSM, and much more.
A place to spend time with others interested in draft animals, self-sufficient living,
small-scale family farming and other aspects of our rich rural heritage.
Home of the internet’s most extensive calendar listing of draft horse events
(frequently updated online)
An online listing of businesses that provide products and services to the draft animal
industry as well as small sustainable farming activities.
Harness information, including a full line of custom harness and related tack.
Above: Phillip Odden gathers map with the help of his Fjord team.