A team and a grain drill.
Photo courtesy of Laura Masterson.
Resource Materials
Visit our Bookstore for the most extensive collection of draft equipment resources.
How to Adjust a Plow - John Deere Company
- Hope for Progress - HPD Reflection
by Ralph Rice
Horse-Powered History, Machines and Equipment Manuals
Horse-Drawn Vehicles Plans and Repair
Additional Resources
Above: A pony-powered chain harrow pulls moss out of a pasture. Eddie's friend John
Fishwick takes a turn working Bess.
A place to spend time with others interested in draft animals, self-sufficient living,
small-scale family farming and other aspects of our rich rural heritage.
Home of the internet’s most extensive calendar listing of draft horse events
(frequently updated online)
An online listing of businesses that provide products and services to the draft animal
industry as well as small sustainable farming activities.
Harness information, including a full line of custom harness and related tack.
Teams for Sale
Find and/or list a
Mule or Donkey Team for sale.
Post items of equipment or tack you may wish to sell, trade, or buy related to farming or
logging with horses, mules, donkeys, or oxen.
Above: A do-it-yourself fertilizer spreader built by Rural Heritage contributor Ralph Rice.