Our Advertiser Directory  |  Organizations

American Donkey & Mule Society

Leah Patton
PO Box 1210,
Lewisville, TX 75067
phone: 972–219–0781
email: lovelongears@hotmail.com
web: www.lovelongears.com

Registration information, forms and
fees on our website

California Draft Horse & Mule Association

Tim Holveck, Secretary
email: tholvek@hotmaill.com
web: www.cdhma.org

Carolina Mule Association

Angie Annas, membership
3161 Deal Mill Rd,
Hudson, NC 28638
phone: 828-234-2762
email: cmamulemail@gmail.com
web: facebook page
Our purpose is to encourage and promote
the mule and donkey industry through
education, participation, and fellowship
in a family environment.

Carriage Association of America

Jill M Ryder
3915 Jay Trump Rd,
Lexington, KY 40511
phone: 859–231–0971
fax: 859–231–0973
email: info@caaonline.com
web: www.caaonline.com

International organization for people
interested in the restoration, history, driving,
and collecting of horse–drawn vehicles.
Publisher of the Carriage Journal magazine.

Carriage Operators of North America

Marylou Gwozdek
phone: 405-317-8722
email: membership@cona.org
web: www.cona.org

Promoting humane welfare of carriage animals, and quality carriage and
customer service.

Colorado Draft Horse Association

Joel Newcomer, President
12029 Mesa View Road,
Larkspur, CO 80118
phone: 719-332-7331
email: JoelCarolyn@aol.com
web: www.coloradodrafthorseassn.org

Our membership is a multi-breed Draft
Horse Association throughout Colorado,
Southern Wyoming and Western Kansas.
We promote all aspects of the Draft Horse
from Breeding to Farming to Showing.

Draft Animal Power

Christa Campbell
PO Box 24,
Greenwich, NY 12834
phone: 802-763-0771
email: dapnetinfo@gmail.com
web: www.draftanimalpowernetwork.org

Organization dedicated to building a community of people dedicated to the practical application of draft animal-power within the context of sustainable land use.

Equus Survival Trust Field Office

Victoria Tollman, Exec. Director
130 Lumber Plant Rd,
Lowgap, NC 27024
phone: 336–352–5520
email: EquusSurvivalTrust@yahoo.com
web: www.equus-survival-trust.org

Specialty nonprofit for the promotion, networking, and grassroots conservation
of over 40 historic endangered equine
breeds and over 60 endangered breed association affiliates.

Farm and Ranch Freedom Alliance

Tom Henslee
PO Box 809,
Cameron, TX 76520
phone: 254-697-2661
email: info@farmandranchfreedom.org
web: www.farmandranchfreedom.org

FARFA is a national organization that
supports independent family farmers and
protects a healthy and productive food
supply for American consumers. FARFA
promotes common sense policies for local,
diversified agricultural systems.

Iowa Draft Horse & Mule Association

Jim Stuart, President
phone: 515-971-1254
email: jstuart@iowatelecom.net
web: iowadrafthorse.com

Our goal is to promote the draft horse and mule industry in Iowa.

Livestock Conservancy

PO Box 477,
Pittsboro, NC 27312
phone: 919–542–5704
fax: 919-545-0022
web: www.livestockconservancy.org

Ensuring the future of agriculture through
the genetic conservation and promotion
of endangered breeds of livestock
and poultry.

Mid-Tennessee Mule Skinners Association

Grady George, President
2362 Short Mountain Rd,
Woodbury, TN 37190
phone: 615-849-6867
email: info@midtnmules.com
web: http://midtnmules.com

Open to members from any geographic
area with an interest in oxen.

Midwest Ox Drovers Association

Rob Collins, President
Memebership: 5021 West River Rd,
Mt Pleasant, MI 48858
phone: 269-251-7069
email: rcollins@cpschools.org
web: www.midwestoxdrovers.com

Open to members from any geographic
area with an interest in oxen.

New York State Draft Horse Club

Sarah Jordan-Treasurer
4335 Davis Corner Rd,
Morrisville, NY 13408
phone: 607-793-4865
email: information@ny-state-draft-horse-club.org
web: www.ny-state-draft-horse-club.org

Promoting the use of, and ownership of
Shire, Clydesdale, Percheron, Belgian,
Suffolk, and Haflinger horses
since the 1930’s.

Northern Illinois Draft Horse & Mule Association

Becky Taylor
3259 Cedarville Rd,
Freeport, IL 61032
phone: 815-541-4972
email: btaylor@stephensoncountyil.gov

Promoting the preservation of horse farming methods and the enjoyment of draft horses and mules in showing, riding, and driving. Annual spring plow days and
fall plowing match.

Northern Minnesota Draft Horse Association

JoAnn Holthaus
20028 2nd St. NW, PO Box 232,
Richmond, MN 56368
phone: 320-293-8594
email: jholthaus@arvig.net
web: www.nmdha.com

Field day: fourth Saturday in September.

Ohio Percheron Breeders Association

Abe Kiem
9109 Township Rd,
Dundee, OH 44624
email: ohiopercheronbreedersassociation
and on Facebook

The Ohio Percheron Breeders Association’s goal is to promote interest in breeding,
showing and marketing Percheron horses through the education of our youth
and adults alike.

Pennsylvania Draft Horse and Mule Association

Rhonda Carbaugh, President
phone: 717-860-2954
email: ercar5@comcast.net
web: www.padhma.org

We strive to promote all facets and interests of the draft horse and mule industry
in Pennsylvania.

Heritage Livestock Canada

Pam Heath
Nesbitt, MB, Canada R0K 1P0
email: heritagelivestockcanada@gmail.com
web: https://heritagelivestock.net/home

Working to conserve, monitor, and promote heritage and rare breeds of Canadian Farm Animals.

South Dakota Draft Horse & Mule Breeders Association

Treasurer: Linda Schlosser,
PO Box 522
Bath, SD 57427
phone: 605-380-1515
email: ljschlosser@yahoo.com
Facebook: @SDDHAMBA

Annual Meeting 2nd Saturday in January, Annual Summer Picnic

Texas Draft Horse & Mule Association

Debbie Halford
5766 CR 164,
Alvin, TX 77511
phone: 281-382-6271
email: debbie.halford@yahoo.com
web: www.tdhma.org
facebook: www.facebook.com/TDHMA

Dedicated to promoting the breeding, developing, training, marketing and use of draft horses and mules.

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    Rural Heritage  |  PO Box 2067  |  Cedar Rapids, IA 52406
    Telephone (319) 362-3027

    This file last modified: January 13 2022.

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