Our Advertiser Directory | Books
Mischka Press
Joe Mischka
PO Box 2067,
Cedar Rapids IA 52406
phone: 319 362-3027
fax: 319-449-4148
email: productsales@mischka.com
Books about farming and logging with
draft horses, mules, oxen and donkeys.
Call or write for catalog. Publisher of Rural Heritage Magazine.
PO Box 2067,
Cedar Rapids IA 52406
phone: 319 362-3027
fax: 319-449-4148
email: productsales@mischka.com
Books about farming and logging with
draft horses, mules, oxen and donkeys.
Call or write for catalog. Publisher of Rural Heritage Magazine.
Willowtrail Fell Ponies
Jenifer Morrissey
27718 Old Highway 18,
Hot Springs, SD 57747
phone: 605-745-3699
email: workponies@frii.com
web: http://fellponiescolorado.com
Books chronicling Jenifer's experiences a nd research on Fell Ponies and other small equine including stories and beautiful photography.
27718 Old Highway 18,
Hot Springs, SD 57747
phone: 605-745-3699
email: workponies@frii.com
web: http://fellponiescolorado.com
Books chronicling Jenifer's experiences a nd research on Fell Ponies and other small equine including stories and beautiful photography.