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5 years ago

rh comment count

Is there another place everyone is going now? DAPnet has gone to facebook but I don't use it. Is RH going somehere like fb too?

God bless


Klaus Karbaumer says 2019-03-09 14:53:52 (CST)

Mike, I wondered about that, too. I do not use Facebook either, also because I see no reason to be a) mined by them for any information they can share with other big corporations , b) supportive of a huge corporation instead of a small enterprise like RH; the latter one by the way pay the cost of the Front Porch without charging us anything.

5 years ago via Forums | Front Porch Forum

Ossahatchee says 2019-03-10 06:56:14 (CST)

I have been wondering the same thing. I hope this site doesn't go the way of the dinosaur. This forum is has been very helpful to me and is the only forum that has always been civil.

5 years ago via Forums | Front Porch Forum

K.C. Fox says 2019-03-14 17:28:19 (CST)

A lot of the time I post things some people may take offense to my post It was not posted with that intent. Sometimes I just don't know any other way to get my point across. There is the right way to do things my way and your way If it works for me and your way works for you, nothing is wrong with us, we just do things A different way. I have learned there are some other ways to do things than the way I have always done them. OK looking for everyone's post on most any thing.

5 years ago via Forums | Front Porch Forum

Klaus Karbaumer says 2019-03-15 09:12:30 (CST)

Apart from that nobody should be so thin-skinned to be OFFENDED by different point of views, I do not think, K.C. , that YOU ever posted anything in a way that was offensive.

5 years ago via Forums | Front Porch Forum

NoraWI says 2019-03-16 06:02:03 (CST)

K.C. Fox, your "attitude" did not scare others away. You are not guilty of anything. Besides, Uncle Joe "filters" all comments before he posts them.

What has happened is that a great many sites have gone to Facebook because they get the service for free. Rural Heritage has elected to continue its site and the Front Porch independently and pays to continue to offer it to everyone without them having to pass through a gatekeeper like FB. And I commend Rural Heritage for it.

Unhappily, we also lost a great many traditional posters whose outlying locations did not offer the internet access that the new Front Porch software required. I guess that could be called "progress." I am being sarcastic, of course. Pity. I miss those "old timers" as well. I am getting to be an "old timer," too, and not using my critters the way I once did. Time flies on...

5 years ago via Forums | Front Porch Forum

hag says 2019-03-16 10:40:15 (CST)

Joe i wonder, do you have any contact information like an email for some of tbe regulars who are mia? Maybe drop them a line and tell them they are missed

5 years ago via Forums | Front Porch Forum

Mike Rock says 2019-03-16 15:50:45 (CST)

I was wondering the same thing about a 'contact and wake 'em up list'.
Let everyone know that we're still alive and well.

KC, this is the most mild mannered website on the net.... I don't think anyone would get offended as horse/farm people have seen it all......

Our local flooding is the worst in 25 years or more. I've been on this farm since 1990 and haven't seen anything like this. My half mile driveway is coming down hill, fast. There are ruts out there that you could go out and bob for Percherons (like bobbing for apples)..... 4WD is the only way out. The folks down river are going to be catching this soon.....I wonder if the Mississippi will rise like in the early nineties, or whenever that last big one was.

God bless you all.

Oh, Valerie is planting like crazy, flats are piling up on the heat mats.

Drove by Rod Sales old place last week. We went to high school together.

5 years ago via Forums | Front Porch Forum

NoraWI says 2019-03-17 06:45:05 (CST)

Mike Rock, you must farm close to me. Been here since '88. I am located a bit north of Rod Sales. Was wondering what happened to his place and whether Jackie held on to it. Nice place. He gave me his laying hens just before he went into the hospital. Unfortunately, they, too, are all seniors now. But I do have two of them left for auld lang syne.

5 years ago via Forums | Front Porch Forum

JerryHicks says 2019-03-18 06:13:40 (CST)

I know, speaking for myself, this has been one hectic year. It began in April last year when my brother in law died. The end of that month I had a mule get out and get hit by a car and that started a series of legal issues that took some time to sort out. The weather in our area made for a miserable year with hay and later pasture in short supply. As I was working a part time job, I didn't have time to put up the amount of hay that I normally would have. A local person assured me that he would cover me and had plenty of hay, then about Thanksgiving disappeared and left me high and dry with no hay. I've since been scrambling all winter to feed stock. There has been all sorts of little fires to be put out on our place this year and they've all added up to one long miserable year and then on top of that I recently had to put down my old mule. He had gotten to as best I can figure 36 years old, some would say a little older than that, but he had gotten to the point that he couldn't get up and something had to happen. I'm currently trying to do some plowing, move the last of the hay needed to finish the winter, and fill a contract for cedar logs. My mule that was involved in the car accident is going back to work dragging the logs out for staging and seems to be now recovered. I think with the rise of social media people are faced with so many web sites vying for attention that its hard to remember that there are still good places in which to express themselves without the in your face attacks, pandering advertisements, and images of cats, that flood the net. I'm glad to see folks making the effort to keep in touch and, if nothing else, just say "Hello, I'm still here!"

5 years ago via Forums | Front Porch Forum

vince mautino says 2019-03-18 13:25:02 (CST)

I'm about like Jerry. Life got in the way with death in the family, taking care of estate, surgeries for me etc. When I checked back a few months ago, there were no new posts.
Presently, I am getting recuperated from a blizzard we had last week and a tree got blown down on the barn trapping the mules in. WE had Category II hurricane winds at 85-100MPH coupled with snow. Who would of thought along the front range of the Rockies

5 years ago via Forums | Front Porch Forum

hag says 2019-03-20 07:34:58 (CST)

Sure am proud to see some old familiar faces... I will try to interact a little more and not be just a lurker hahaha

5 years ago via Forums | Front Porch Forum

grey says 2019-04-07 20:39:30 (CST)

Hey what's wrong with images of cats???

I think I partly drifted away because having to log in each time before I could post was tedious. It was a small thing but apparently enough to be a little bit of a deterrent to my posting.

Was just talking to someone today about the Front Porch and thought I'd stop by since it had been a while.

5 years ago via Forums | Front Porch Forum

hag says 2019-04-08 07:41:03 (CST)

Grey, it's the same with me... There are lots of times I go to make a response in a post but get the login message. Usually what I'm saying is trivial and doesn't seem worth the time to login hahaha... Lots of interaction is probably lost due to that...

5 years ago via Forums | Front Porch Forum

hag says 2019-04-08 09:34:12 (CST)

Also the half day lag between when you post and when it's visible makes it hard to have a conversation. If there is very much back and forth banter it takes weeks to say what could be discussed in an evening

5 years ago via Forums | Front Porch Forum

Klaus Karbaumer says 2019-04-09 08:16:25 (CST)

hag, I agree, the way it is set up makes it a bit more cumbersome to use. But I bet, Joe has good reasons to do it this way. I'm occasionally posting on the The Chronicle of the Horse Forum, where the exchange is obviously unsupervised, all posts within a thread are visible and therefore much more spontaneous, but I have observed that people attack each other personally there at times with direct remarks. I guess, there are so-called opportunity costs in either version of a forum.

5 years ago via Forums | Front Porch Forum

Mike Rock says 2019-04-16 07:45:55 (CST)

I agree on the time lag. Frustrating and does stop any friendly banter.
Need a sundial to time things.

I went to high school with Rod and Jeff. I was referring to the farm down just south of Blue Mounds he had in the 1970's. It was about two miles from out place, the old North Perry Cheese Factory. It's still a nice place, well kept. Just south of it is one of the limestone cliffsides next to the road. From the school bus we could see a date, 1874, carved up on the rocks. I tried to find it that few weeks ago but the lichen has grown up in it. Our old neighbour says it's still there, 'if you know just where to look'. Well, I'd better find out soon as he is ninety years old.

I remember fox hunting with Rod, up on the ridges around our places. Once it was thirty below and very still. School was called off so we went fox hunting on snowshoes. That was the year Lone Rock got it's low temperature record.

God bless

5 years ago via Forums | Front Porch Forum

Mike Rock says 2019-04-16 13:10:26 (CST)

A further thought on moderation. A site I frequent a lot, Vox Popoli, recently went full on moderation. There was good reason. Some dissatisfied people, trolls, posted obnoxious and very long posts, some twenty copies by the same person, in a few minutes. It made the place unbearable for a while......... the result, was moderation of each and every post. On the bright side, it cleaned out a lot of hateful posts. On the downside it required much human effort that has to be paid for or done by a largish staff of trustworthy volunteers. We are not a crowd like that one, and such conversations have not been seen here....but Joe has kept the litterbox clean and we would not see such had they been submitted.
I do not think a paid moderator, other than Uncle Joe, is in the cards for this site, so we either accept the inevitable delays in viewing posts or ....... heck, I can't think of an 'or what'........ any ideas? Anyone retired enough to do a volunteer job? I doubt it......

God bless all.

Getting warm finally today. I wonder how long it will be until last years grape planting shows life?

5 years ago via Forums | Front Porch Forum

Uncle Joe says 2019-04-16 17:44:20 (CST)

Actually, Mike, it the front porch heyday, there were quite a few posts that had to be intercepted before making it to the porch because they were obscene, profane, libelous, incendiary, or otherwise out of step with our front porch philosophy.

There has always been a delay in putting posts through, though it was usually not for more than a few hours.

When the porch went dormant over the past several years, we have gotten out of the habit of checking the porch. We will try to do better.

Today I was in Kansas filming Doyle Prawl planting potatoes with his team of mules. There was no signal. That happens now and then. My wife, Susan, covers for me when I am traveling and she did that today. Sometimes we are both busy with something and won't be able to get to the porch for a couple hours but we will get there. And if folks keep coming back, we will more quickly get back in the habit.

Here are a couple of stills from today's shoot.


5 years ago via Forums | Front Porch Forum

Klaus Karbaumer says 2019-04-17 09:39:25 (CST)

That will be great to see Doyle Prawl , he lives about an hour away from me. He once came down with a team of mules to help out on a Draft Horse Seminar I conducted on our place. He is a real mule man!!

5 years ago via Forums | Front Porch Forum

Mike Rock says 2019-04-22 12:54:01 (CST)

Thanks Joe! Nice photos.
Hard to image an obscene post on here, most civil group of folks I know. Oh well.

Thanks for all you do, and God bless.


5 years ago via Forums | Front Porch Forum

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