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6 years ago

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Haven't been on here much lately. Good to check in and see what's happening with everyone.

It's been a strange winter. Very dry and warm for our area. That is until a few days ago when we got 13 inches of snow, and it's getting down below zero last few nights.

Put on a few more cows and some more land came to me in a lease. Should keep me busy for a few years.

I've been putting together more Shire horses for my field work and feeding. Broke a new coming 3 year old Shire stud colt this winter and have been feeding cows with him for a few months now. Excellent horse. Maybe the best minded colt I've ever broken. I look forward to getting some babies out of him and keeping that strain of horses to work on the ranch.

We did manage to put up a good hay crop last year and I'm hoping to have a few hundred round bales left as carry over, which may be very much needed if the snowpack doesn't pan out by May or June.

Guess that's about it. Hope everyone has a good winter and spring.

Klaus Karbaumer says 2018-02-21 09:09:00 (CST)

Great to hear from you again, Wes. I had wondered how you were doing and now I see that everything is fine. Congratulation on your newest Shire acquisition. Seems in your area the Shire is the prevalent draft horse, right?
We had an awfully dry winter with some very cold times and then mild weather again, but yesterday we got over an inch of ice and the same is predicted for tonight.

6 years ago via Forums | Front Porch Forum

Plainsman says 2018-02-26 22:36:52 (CST)


I've enjoyed reading what you've posted along. I've never spent any time around those feather legged horses like the Shires or Clydesdales. I've always wondered how they'd be out in the pastures with cockleburs or sandburs? Do the feathers pickup everything or do they shed pretty good? If you are far enough north you don't have sandburs--congratulations! If anyone else has any experience with them just chime in.


6 years ago via Forums | Front Porch Forum

smith says 2018-04-09 21:46:28 (CST)

Hi Wes ,do you cut the feather off of the Shires ? I do like the breed but not the feather and had one with Shire in him and just cut it off .smith

6 years ago via Forums | Front Porch Forum

smith says 2018-04-11 14:26:50 (CST)

Wes ,some time back you had a power forecart or maybe it was just a power cycle mower . Are you still using it and are you pleased with it ? Any news of KM as he posted here then? smith

6 years ago via Forums | Front Porch Forum

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