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I thought I would share with a group that understands what its like to go through this.

This morning when I went out to feed my biggest and favorite horse did not come to the barn. I started searching and when I found him I knew I was in trouble. He was down and from the semi circle of dirt he had smoothed out with his legs I could tell he had been there awhile. I tried to get him up be he really wouldn't even try. I called my vet who thankfully only lives 2 houses down and he came up. He evaluated him and we knew it wasn't good. As we were talking and deciding to put him down he passed. He was a blue roan belgian that was as honest as the day is long. He was 12 1/2 years old and had never even offered to run in harness, I don't know how many kids and adults sat on him. At one time it was a rite of passage for the vets new assistants to sit on Atlas.

NoraWI says 2018-03-15 16:24:32 (CST)

My heart goes out to you!

6 years ago via Forums | Front Porch Forum

Klaus Karbaumer says 2018-03-15 20:43:35 (CST)

Sorry, Todd, about your loss. I know how it feels because in 2010 and 2012 due to colic I had a horse die on me and then in 2014 as well as in 2015 I had to put a horse down due to old age and respective health problems. It is never easy, especially if the horse is relatively young, like in your case. And he was good looking!
I hope you'll find a good replacement, which will ease the pain a bit.

6 years ago via Forums | Front Porch Forum

BrianL says 2018-03-16 07:27:01 (CST)

Todd, I am so very sorry. You did everything you could and were there for him right up to the end. It sounds like you gave him a very good life and while you lost a friend, he will always be with you in many ways.

6 years ago via Forums | Front Porch Forum

G.D.Rose says 2018-03-16 07:31:21 (CST)

Sorry for your lost it never easy when it a good one young or old, it like losing a family member.

6 years ago via Forums | Front Porch Forum

K.C. Fox says 2018-03-16 09:35:27 (CST)

Yes I know how that feel. I just look up and say to myself why me lord. I have had broken legs, horses down and colic greet me in the mornings I know that is no help to you It seems to happen to your best animal that you have. My dad always said if you don't have animals you can't loose them. But you had them for a while think good thoughts part of you goes with each animal that you loose.

6 years ago via Forums | Front Porch Forum

Todd NE WY says 2018-03-20 23:01:34 (CST)

Thank you everyone for the kind words. I have a lot of good memories with him. He was probably the best horse I will ever have. I have a daughter getting married in June then I will start looking for a couple young ones to start. I have 2 still so i can still drive this spring and summer.

6 years ago via Forums | Front Porch Forum

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