Rural Heritage Vet Clinic

Table of Contents

Rural Heritage is a bimonthly journal mailed by subscription since 1976 to small-scale farmers and loggers who employ draft horse, mule, and ox power. Here in our Vet Clinic you will find just a sampling of the kind of health care information appearing within its pages.

Is Your Veterinarian a Good Horse Doc? by Beth A. Valentine, DVM, PhD

Books and Videos related to Draft Animal Healthcare

Determining Your Horse's Health Status

Equine Functional Anatomy Equine Polysaccharide Storage Myopathy (EPSM)

Mare & Foal

Infectious Diseases Horse Health Care Poisonous Plants Tough Decisions—Saying Goodbye by Beth A. Valentine, DVM, PhD

Meet Our Virtual Vets
Due to the large number of visiting teamsters, muleteers, and drovers, the Virtual Vet Clinic forum is periodically split to speed up navigation. Discussions are archived in reverse chronological order, with the most recent messages appearing toward the top.You may wander from one Examination Room to the next by clicking on "Review More Messages" at the bottom of each page. You can search for a specific subject using the search feature on this site's home page.

Subscribe Homepage Contact Us
rural heritage logo    PO Box 2067, Cedar Rapids IA 52406-2067
Phone: 319-362-3027    Fax: 319-362-3046

23 April 2012 last revision