Importance of Selenium by H.F. Hintz
Selenium is the most interesting of all minerals. It was first known
for its toxicity, then turned out to be an essential nutrient that is required
in small amounts by humans, horses, and other animals. More recently the mineral
has received much attention as a possible anticarcinogen for humans. Due to its
antioxidant and anticarcinogen activity, selenium may have a protective role in
at least 50 diseases of humans.
Toxicity Chronic selenium toxicity of horses, also called "alkali
disease," is characterized by hair loss from the mane and tail, sloughing
of hooves, joint erosion, and lameness.
Excessive intake of selenium
may result from consuming plant material raised in areas where the soil contains
a high level of selenium. The areas with high selenium soils are west of the
Mississippi River. Prior to the 1930s, when alkali disease was first proven to
be caused by selenium toxicity and the high selenium areas were identified, many
horses and cattle died of the disease. Dr. Merl Raisbeck of the Department of
Veterinary Science at the University of Wyoming reported that each year before
1930 a vast number of animal deaths in Wyoming were attributed to alkali
Although the number of cases of selenium toxicosis has greatly
decreased since 1940, toxicity is still reported. During a recent three-year
study in Wyoming Dr. Raisbeck found four substantiated cases of selenium
toxicity of horses due to the ingestion of high selenium forage. A few recent
cases have also been reported in Colorado and Iowa.
Cases of toxicity
due to selenium in the water, excessive use of supplements, or environmental
contamination are occasionally reported. The dangers of excessive selenium
cannot be ignored.
Requirement Selenium was first shown to be a required nutrient
for laboratory animals in the 1950s. Shortly thereafter it was established as a
help in preventing muscular degeneration in farm animals. Prior to 1950 white
muscle disease was common in calves, lambs, and foals raised in areas where the
soil is lacking in selenium. Selenium supplementation and injections have saved
the lives of millions of animals.
Although severe selenium deficiency
is usually much more common in young animals, it may also occur in older
animals. Selenium deficiency may impair reproductive performance and decrease
resistance to disease.
In the 1960s researchers discovered that
selenium can help prevent tying-up disease in horses, but does not prevent all
cases. Since selenium has been widely added to horse feeds, the number of
tying-up cases that respond to selenium has been greatly reduced, and tying-up
continues to be a problem.
Map: Relative
Selenium Contents of Crops in Relation to Animal Requirements
Identifying Deficiency If you live in an area where the soil is
known to be lacking in selenium and you feed your horses only home grown feeds,
you should use selenium supplementation.
Select a supplement that
provides 1 to 3 mg of selenium per day or use a trace mineral salt that
is fortified with selenium. Salt products designed for horses contain 30 to 90
ppm selenium. You may add the salt to the feed or offer it free choice.
choice feeding of selenized-salt has been widely used for sheep and cattle
because supplementing grazing animals is often difficult. Fewer studies have
been conducted with horses, but salt appears to be a reasonable source of
selenium, particularly for horses that graze. If you use a commercial grain
mixture fortified with selenium, you probably don't need a supplement.
you are not sure whether or not your horses are getting enough selenium, and the
horses have muscle problems, selenium may be involved. Your veterinarian can
take a blood sample and have it analyzed for selenium or glutathione peroxidase,
an enzyme that requires selenium.
Selenium is needed for a horse's
normal muscle function and health. Three adages apply: An ounce of prevention is
worth a pound of cureselenium supplementation need not be expensive, but
if selenium is needed and not provided, the cost can be great. Use moderation in
all things, and good things come in small packages. The horse needs 1 to 3 mg of
selenium per day, but 50 mg per day may cause toxicosis.
One mg is
0.0000022 lb. Thus you must exercise care when using selenium supplements. The
amount of supplement you add must of course be greater than one mg, because the
selenium in the supplement is diluted with carrier. Read the label carefully and
add adequate but not excessive amounts to keep your horses healthy.
H.F. Hintz is a Professor of Animal Science at Cornell University in
Ithaca, New York, where he teaches equine nutrition and conducts nutrition
research. This article appeared in the
Holiday 1999
issue of
Rural Heritage.