Rural Heritage Mule Paddock

Table of Contents

Rural Heritage is a bimonthly journal mailed by subscription since 1976 to small-scale farmers and loggers who employ draft horse, mule, and ox power. Here in our Mule & Donkey Paddock you will find just a sampling of the kind of information on longears appearing within its pages.

Draft Mule & Donkey Books and Videos

Longear Lingo by Paul & Betsy Hutchins


Understanding Mules


Breeding for Mules


Buying and Selling Teams

Draft Mule and Teamster Trainers

State Associations

Village Smithy
(hoof care information and our Virtual Farrier on hand
to answer your draft mule & donkey shoeing questions)

Vet Clinic
(lots of good horse healthcare info that pertains to mules as well,
with our Virtual Vets on hand to answer your draft mule health questions)

Front Porch
(a place to swap tales with other muleteers)

Calendar of Events.
(upcoming events involving longears)

Tack Room
(information on haltering donkeys & mules, harness care, full-line of custom harness)

Subscribe Homepage Contact Us
rural heritage logo    PO Box 2067, Cedar Rapids IA 52406-2067
Phone: 319-362-3027    Fax: 319-362-3046

13 October 2005
6 August 2012 last revision