Our Advertiser Directory  |  Events

100 Years of Horsepower

Tom Renner
Renner Stock Farms
3412 Carlyle Ave,
Belleville, IL 62221
phone: 618-973-4596

August 25027, 2022 - Horse drawn and tractor demonstrations, Livestock exhibits, equpment displays, teaching, food and entertainment.

American Mule and
Bluegrass Festival

Marty Ray Gordon
2591 US Hwy 231 South,
Shelbyville, TN 37160
phone: 931-703-7975
email: 2021ambf@gmail.com
web: www.americanmuleandblue

September 27-October 1, 2022 - Wagon train, chuckwagon dinner, bluegrass bands, mule shows, competitions, clinics and demonstrations and more.

American Brabant Association Rendezvous

Susan Zenker
PO Box 181,
Isanti, MN 54451
phone 231-930-7216
email: AmericanBrabant@gmail.com
web: https://www.theamericanbrabant

September, Annual event promoting the American Brabant horse breed.

Draft Animal Power Field Day

Christa Campbell
PO Box 24,
Greenwich NY 12834
phone: 802-535-8601
email: dapnetinfo@gmail.com
web: www.draftanimalpower.org

Bi-Annual event dedicated to celebrating and growing the use of draft animal-power through education, demonstration& networking practical application of draft animal-power within the context of sustainable land use.

Draft Horse Classic

Nevada County Fairgrounds,
Grass Valley, California
Phone: 530-273-6217
email: ldhc@NevadaCountyFair.com
web: www.nevadacountyfair.com/dhc/

4th weekend in September. Majestic Draft Horse performances, breath-taking competitions, and seeing a Draft Horse "up-close" – it's all part of the Annual Draft Horse Classic and Harvest Fair at the Nevada County Fairgrounds in Grass Valley. The Classic has grown to become the premier Draft Horse show in the western United States.

Horse Progress Days

Dale Stoltzfus
1006 Log Cabin Rd,
Leola, PA 17540
Phone: 717–940–4412
email: logcab7@ptd.net
web: www.horseprogressdays.com

July 1 & 2, 2022, Montgomery, Ind.; field
demonstrations of new and adapted
horse–drawn equipment and draft breeds.

Midwest Ox Drovers
Association Gathering

at Tillers International
10515 E OP Ave,
Scotts, MI 49088
Phone: 269-251-7069
fax: 765-567-47362
email: rcollins@cpschools.org
web: midwestoxdrovers.com

4th weekend in June — Scotts, Michigan;
guest speakers, presentations, competitions,
raffle, silent auction, fun and fellowship.

Montgomery Wagon Train

John Coley
334 Styles Bridge Rd,
Collinsville, Alabama 35961
Phone: 256-557-9226
email: coleyfarms@gmail.com
FB: @ftbsaddleclub

49th Annual Event. March 7-18, 2022. Forney-Montgomery, Alabama. Ride any or all days. Horseback riders welcome.

North American Suffolk Horse Assn Gathering

Ralph Rice
1485 State Route 307 W,
Jefferson, OH44047
Phone: 440-812-8646
email: ricelandmeadows@roadrunner.com
website: https://www.suffolkpunch.com

Annual Gathering promoting the Suffolk breed. Field demonstrations, meet owners and breeders.

US Draft Horse and Mule Plowing Contest

Mike Downs
11070 East Highway 36,
Olympia, KY 40358
Phone: 606-768-3330

Event held in lte October. Plowing competition with numerous classes. Public encouraged to come watch.

World Percheron Congress 2022

email: wpcongress22@gmail.com
web: www.worldpercheroncongress.ca

July 19-23, 2022 - Keystone Centre, Brandon, MB, Canada. This event is held every 2-3 years.

Draft Horse Youth/Novice Congress 2022

Nancy Osterhaus
N394 State Road 89,
Columbus, WI 53955

email: youthnovicecongress@gmail.com
website: https://www.youthnovicecongress.com

In conjunction with the Dane County Fair. 2 days of seminars and practice which lead into an opportunity for everyone to show what they have learned.

  • Copyright © 1997 − 2024 Rural Heritage
    Rural Heritage  |  PO Box 2067  |  Cedar Rapids, IA 52406
    Telephone (319) 362-3027

    This file last modified: March 23 2022.

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