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7 years ago

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(1) why are blinders or blinkers used on driving animals? Wouldn't it cause them to be more likely to spook? Wouldn't your chances of being struck be greater since they can't see you?
(2) how many times their weight can horses pull? when they are properly harnessed.
(3) how many times their weight can mules pull? When they're properly harnessed.

If any of my questions or statements offends anyone I am sorry I didn't mean it. I am asking questions and gathering information so that I can be the best trainer,teamster, or owner that I can be. If what ever I said doesn't make sense or is offensive please reread my post or ask me to clarify.

JHItch says 2017-01-29 14:45:08 (CST)

Klaus, is the ox harness that you mentioned similar to the design of the three padded collar? If it's not would you be able to tell me where you found this info?
I totally agree with you about the necks that are used for oxen.
I have no problem with any form of yoke being used as long as it is used in parades or some form of reenactment to remind us of our heritage. But if a lot of weight needs to be moved I whole heartedly think that an ox harness should be used.

Sorry that I didn't answer sooner. I have been training my horse. Originally I was supposed to have had her ready to ride in 2 weeks(no problem) but I figured out this week end that I don't have the right tack and training info. I have the Fundamentals but to train them to the saddle I need the Colt Starting.


7 years ago via Forums | Front Porch Forum

JHItch says 2017-01-29 15:07:55 (CST)

Vince, you said that smaller mules pull more than bigger mules. Do the smaller mules take more after the ass side than the horse side? Or is there size determined more by the breeds used? If the smaller ones are more ass than horse would the ass increase the strength of the animal? Just a thought.
As far as packing mules goes. Would it be more efficient to have a lot of small mules or a lot of big mules?


7 years ago via Forums | Front Porch Forum

JHItch says 2017-01-29 15:16:01 (CST)

Since we have been talking about relationships with work animals and training techniques I had a question. I was wondering if you guys make up your own training methods or do you use one that someone else has made. I'm not making a point I'm just asking a question.


7 years ago via Forums | Front Porch Forum

Josie says 2017-02-09 15:23:09 (CST)

From my experience of training animals and from research that I have done I have learned that the animal's 1 job, no matter what is going on around them, is to pay attention to you and do whatever is asked of them. That being said , in my personal opinion, if you have to use things such as blinders or harsh bits to maintain control of your animal. You need to go back and review/redoe the basics.

At one point I would like to challenge or test my animal by using blinders every once in a while or maybe even train my animal to rely totally on my voice and feel by blind folding them. Again I would only use them for improving my relationship with my animal not for maintaining control.


7 years ago via Forums | Front Porch Forum

Klaus Karbaumer says 2017-02-10 09:03:09 (CST)

What is happening on this thread ? It says on top that the latest reply came 17 hours ago and then I scroll down and see that the latest reply was mi 31 days ago Is that only on my screen?

7 years ago via Forums | Front Porch Forum

Uncle Joe says 2017-02-10 15:21:52 (CST)

When I go to the porch to look at the thread, I don't see what you are describing, Klaus. I appreciate you (and anyone else) pointing out when something is amiss on the porch, as I don't see the same screens you do when I am maintaining the threads. I have to exit the site and log in as a visitor to see what you see. So, thanks for the feedback, but I don't see what you are saying you see.


7 years ago via Forums | Front Porch Forum

Klaus Karbaumer says 2017-02-11 08:42:27 (CST)

Josie, sorry I didn't see your question abut the cattle harness earlier.Yes, the harness I am talking about is the three padded one for cattle. I found an article in a Small Farmer's Copy of the 1990s. The person to go to would be Anna Knapp-Peck. She has experience with all that. After I sent her the article she had a harness built by an Amish harness maker and as much as I know she is very happy with it. She used to post on the Front Porch, but I haven't seen anything from her in a long time.

7 years ago via Forums | Front Porch Forum

Josie says 2017-02-12 14:46:19 (CST)

Klaus, it's all right, I understand that you took some time to respond. It gave me a little extra time to catch up.
I thought that that might be the harness. I don't know all of the names and at times I have trouble remembering what name goes with which item. Like blinker vs blinder, it depends on who you talk to as to which name you get.

Continue to next post.

7 years ago via Forums | Front Porch Forum

Josie says 2017-02-12 14:58:12 (CST)

I saw Anna's articles on the oxen info. Wow, she was on the front porch that's neat.

I am still curious as to what method of training you use.


7 years ago via Forums | Front Porch Forum

Klaus Karbaumer says 2017-02-12 17:39:37 (CST)

I think there is a plethora of literature available about training oxen.
Look for example at what RH magazine offers.
I cannot speak to that since I never owned oxen.

7 years ago via Forums | Front Porch Forum

JHItch says 2017-02-19 16:43:54 (CST)

Sorry, I don't get RH magazines

7 years ago via Forums | Front Porch Forum

Klaus Karbaumer says 2017-02-20 08:24:47 (CST)

You should, Josie, they are worth more to you than what the purchase price is.

7 years ago via Forums | Front Porch Forum

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