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Janet W. McNally

Hinckley, Minnesota

Listing Type:SELL
Item:Livestock Guarding Dog puppies
Price (US$):$550
Description:We have been using and breeding livestock guard dogs for 38 years. Our dogs have been selected in a predator rich environment including wolves, bears, coyotes, bob cat, and the odd cougar. They have that something extra that keeps even the big predators away. Pups have had two 5 way vaccinations, dewormed, and socialized with sheep, or sheep and pigs. I currently have one six moth old pup, very protective, great movement, will be a dog that is in charge $600. I also have one male and one female, 9 weeks old very sweet demeanor (but don't let that fool you, mom and dad are very assertive with predators). Male is long haired, female is short haired. Female has a bit of pink on one lower eyelid, so price reduced $400, male $550. check out our LGD breeding http://www.tamaracksheep.com/uncategorized/history-of-livestock-guard-dogs-at-tamarack-lamb-wool/

Date Posted:2019-05-04 11:08:17

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