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Posted by Jerry at 2015-08-31 21:43:35
After casteration of a stallion or jack how long will they be fertile
Response by NoraWI at 2015-09-01 10:37:50
I believe I was told that 3 months is a safe time period before putting him with any females. Please note though that his behavior won't likely change much, at least for a longer while, so there may be mounting, etc.
Response by Jon at 2015-09-01 11:52:50
Sperm is stored and matures in the epididymis. If the epididymis is removed with the testicles then one would have to assume immediately. If only partially removed, then that's a good question?
Response by James at 2015-09-01 15:08:07
When I had my vasectomy, they said to use protection for at least 3 months. How can a horse or Jack be different???
Response by Bird at 2015-09-01 17:51:47
Ya know, James, maybe your doctor would rather be safe than sued.
Response by KC Fox at 2015-09-02 23:27:33
the ones who always cut our studs said 30 days. the unbroken ones we started riding them as soon as they quit bleeding, the older broke ones it didn't make any difference. the work horses we used them as soon as we needed them.
Response by Harvey Seidel at 2015-09-03 00:00:06
I think a month is more like it. But a few weeks longer won't hurt. The testosterone is going to be there for a month but after that he should be quieted down. MY opinion, from experience.

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