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Posted by Klaus Karbaumer at 2015-08-29 14:35:20
Just watched RH on TV: Tom Renner's collection is AA - absolutely astounding. He puts the agricultural museum in Bonner Springs to shame. Think about the relentless energy , but also the financial input to find, purchase and restore all these great pieces of antique equipment.
Response by Pat Chase at 2015-08-30 07:19:39
I too was amazed at his wonderful collection and his fantastic knowledge of the implements that he owns. And he has done a beautiful job of restoration and preservation. I missed where is he located?
Response by Uncle Joe at 2015-08-30 18:17:39
Tom lives near St. Louis, Missouri. Part 2 will be shown in two weeks and part 3 will be in early November.

Response by Uncle Joe at 2015-08-31 13:24:55
Here is Part 1:

Renner Farm Antique Collection Part 1 from Rural Heritage on Vimeo.

Response by So. Oh. Bill at 2015-08-31 21:47:29
Tom's collection has to be the largest horse drawn equipment in the country and maybe even the world. Some people collect plows or maybe wagons, But Tom appears to have covered all of the bases. Thank you Tom for sharing your collection with us.
Bill Lemar
Response by Bird at 2015-09-01 08:58:54
Hmmm. This place could be on the way to Roosevelt, OK. . . .

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