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Hair Balls in cattle
Posted by Dave Schulz at 2015-05-20 01:03:06
While fixing fence today , I was walking along and I always kick the old cow turds. When I kicked one, I noticed what looked like a brown tennis ball roll out of the cowpie! I had to check it out and at first I really did think a cow had passed a tennis ball. I then took out my knife and cut into it and realized what it was. I have kicked a heck of a lot of turds over the years but never found one of those. I have a steer that was not acting right and was losing weight, I wonder if it came out of him. He seemed kinda perky today.
Response by Mike at 2015-05-20 11:06:40
Saw a whole pile of those at the locker once. One of the guys got on a kick about finding them for a while and that was his stash. Neat looking things.
Response by arlee at 2015-05-20 11:15:24
cows are like cats they lick each other or themselves its normal---your steer might have something else wrong with him
Response by Dave Schulz at 2015-05-21 15:55:40
I am just wondering ,has anyone ever had a cow pass one of those ? I have seen them in dead cows but never laying out in the pasture!
Response by Jon at 2015-05-21 20:47:01
I haven't found them in the manure, but I found some this past week in the water tank. I guess its possible if there is enough hair that it would pass on through.
Response by westexanlady at 2015-05-23 15:04:03
Wonder how one would know if his cow was suffering from a hairball? Could the problem be eliminated the same as a cat by giving the cow some meat tenderizer? After all the cat only has one stomach compared to the cows "four". Certainly wouldn't help with hardware disease!

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