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Mule foot pork?
Posted by Catherine in VA at 2015-04-23 14:08:47
Has anyone ever eaten it? I' m looking at sell one of my sows in a deal that would include getting a couple piglets from the first couple litters. The boar the potential buyer would use is a Mulefoot/Hampshire cross. That gave me pause because the pork from a Mulefoot is supposed to be darker than what most people are used to. I did American Guinea hog last year. They were delicious and the friends who bought some raved about it. But i remember thinking that for my farmer's market customers who are just branching out into pastured pork, it might be too different looking. The resulting piglets would only be 1/4 Mulefoot, so perhaps it wouldn't make much difference? I've seen the pork from a lot of heritage breeds, but Mulefoot are uncommon here and I've never seen one.
Response by Valerie Rock at 2015-04-24 13:25:29
Hello there!
We raise the Mulefoot pig breed and are really happy to talk with you regarding the breed. The following link tells some of our farm. It also has a pic of the Mulefoot breed - you can see the single-pony-type hoof. Also on that site are comments from some of our recent Mulefoot meat customers!


The meat is red and marbled. There is an impressive amount of back fat which renders to exceptional lard.

We also raise Austrian Mangalitsa pigs (wooly pigs) that also have luscious pork as well as a very, very cool appearance!

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