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Farm Question 3/12/2015
Posted by Jerry Hicks at 2015-03-12 06:07:18
Can a grade dairy animal in the United States ever be registered in a recognized herd book?
Response by Jon Bonine at 2015-03-12 09:58:43
That would depend on the herd book, if it is an open book or closed. A closed book will only register animals whose parents were registered. An open book will allow animals to be registered that demonstrate the traits of the breed.

So I would guess Yes.

It is interesting to me how many different breeds show up between the 1880s and 1930s. While it is 50 years, what we think of old breeds didn't seem to have herd books or registrations before that time. The herdsman might know the lineage, but the breed registry was a new thing. Why that happened, whether it was the World Fairs or the exportation of livestock, is something I've wondered about.
Response by Jerry Hicks at 2015-03-13 04:50:40

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