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singletree height
Posted by Mathew Fowler in Ontario at 2015-01-25 18:44:33
I have a 16 hand horse and have built a forecart for her. The only thing left to do is weld the clevis for the single tree to ride in. Is there a standard height it should be off of the ground based upon her height to give the proper angle? Thanks.
Response by Dave Frieden at 2015-01-25 21:48:38
Its not so much the height of it as where it should be in relation to your hitch point. As in what you might pull with this cart.
Response by rdennis at 2015-01-25 22:10:11
I never quite understood why anyone would get too excited about the single tree height, as there is a hinge point on the hames, usually.. a horse should be able to pull effectively whether the single tree is on the ground or 2 feet in the air.. well, maybe not two feet, but you catch my drift, but then, maybe I'm missing something?
Response by Sharon at 2015-01-26 09:02:01
Ideally the tug should come off the collar at 90 degrees, although you use your bellyband and backpad to correct the angle. Breastcollar has a little different angle, hitch point can be higher. If you're pulling a cart with one or two people, it's not going to be a big deal either way. If you're pulling a load, it's more important.
Response by Jeff A at 2015-01-26 16:25:12
Thanks that helps me with my log arch
Response by T Payne at 2015-01-27 07:36:07
Jeff, a log arch is usually set up to hook much higher than a regular forecart, to help give the lift you want to the front end of the log. D ring harness is then easier on the horses' anatomy.

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