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Bobsled ride
Posted by Canoe Tomah at 2014-12-12 18:17:40
Son out with the bobs.
Response by NoraWI at 2014-12-13 04:49:06
Fun, fun, fun!
Response by Sharon at 2014-12-13 07:55:04
That does look fun. It's been years since I've had either the bobsled or the cutter out. Snow and temps both have to be right. Game little mare, but I think I'd hook a little tighter!
Response by Rod SW WI at 2014-12-13 13:00:38
I will second that "hook a little tighter". Maybe a lot tighter. You don't want him lunging ahead and the shafts come out of the holders, then you are in real trouble!!
Response by NoraWI at 2014-12-14 07:30:37
Went back for another look. Yes, hook tighter. But is the angle of draft correct? I would think the shafts should be connected to the bobsled about 2 feet higher. But maybe I'm wrong as I have never hooked up to a sled of any sort.
Response by Sharon at 2014-12-14 16:44:09
If hooked two feet higher using a collar and hames, it would be way too high. doesn't matter if it's a sled or a plow, the tug is supposed to come off the shoulder at a right angle in an "ideal" situation. Breastcollar harness can be hooked a little higher as the pull is somewhat different.
Response by Klaus Karbaumer at 2014-12-14 19:09:59
Sleds need a little bit of an lifting pull on the front of the runners unless they are very light. That's why hooking low makes sense.
I wished I had such nice snowy countryside to go for a sleigh ride. Wonderful!
Response by Canoe Tomah at 2014-12-15 11:38:19
Thank for your suggestions. I will post some pics sometime for more comments. The shafts are hooked to the top of front bob. We do need to get tighter or make longer shafts. We are hooked in the 1st chain of the hames. So need to refab shaft set up or redo hames.

Response by Jonathan Shively at 2014-12-16 08:52:57
If you are hooking to a single tree on a clevis, you could drop your shafts down(lower the holders) so when turning they aren't in the horse's face and go under the neck somewhat.

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