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Farm Question 10/22/2014
Posted by Jerry Hicks at 2014-10-22 05:10:57
What treatment is recommended to rid horses of bot flies and worms?
Response by NoraWI at 2014-10-22 09:48:56
In 1932 it was probably a rotation of various anthelmics. Today, it is common to use ivermectin.
Response by M. Burley at 2014-10-22 19:39:17
Chewing tobacco, best de-wormer available. Haven't tried it lately, but it probably still works.
Response by Jerry Hicks at 2014-10-23 05:27:45
The carbon disulphide which should be administered in the months of December or January.

We used tobacco at home and in a real bad wormy horse I remember my grandpa had an old teaspoon attached to a piece of a tobacco stick about three feet long. He would put a piece of Blue Stone, he said the size of his pinky nail, on the spoon then drop it in the very back of the horses throat, then tip his head.

I had to look up carbon disulphide and found that it was used to fumigate for insects in grains and also as a solvent. Although it was toxic in high doses, it was used as a wormer until the 1940s with the introduction of phenothiazine.
Response by Joaker at 2014-10-23 20:51:23
Tobacco never really worked. What happens is the worms body is striped away but the head remains in the stomach lining the body redevelops.

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