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Cover Crops
Posted by Jeremy Dunlap at 2014-10-14 13:22:00
I have a mess. We planted a 1/4 acre garden this year with a large variety of plants. We had grand ideas on how we could interplant some species, harvest the early plants and allow the latecomers to take over the harvested area. This works as well as the euphoric concept that chickens will eat the bugs out of your garden. They will, they will also dig up lettuce, peck tomatoes, eat beans, ect... Anyway, back to the other problem. Main problem is late season vines. Pumpkins, butternut and birdhouse gourds. O, and did I mention the luffas? Vines do not belong in a farmhouse garden. Half of our potato crop is still in because the pumpkins had inundated the taters to the point that we couldn't get to them. I'll come back to that later. Everything is on the verge of being harvested. So, here's the real question. We live in Chattanooga and are wondering if it is too late to plant a cover crop. I'm thinking a hairy vetch/rye mix. Rumor is hairy vetch helps suppress crabgrass which would be a perk. Our garden is in the middle of a 10 acre crabgrass yard. Any suggestions? Thanks.

Now, back to the taters. As stated before, we left the taters due to the pumpkins, 2 weeks ago we realized that they had resprouted and the plants were 2 foot tall. Options? Thanks twice.
Response by Pat Chae at 2014-10-14 21:42:55
Plant winter wheat now. It should still germinate, come up and make a lot of green cover crop for you to turn over in the spring. We are NE of Dallas, Tx, about the same longitude as you. I have not heard about vetch suppressing crab grass. I would like to learn more about this.
Response by dbarker at 2014-10-14 21:48:19
Not sure on the vetch, but up here in MO we're still seeding rye.

Response by Dale Wagner at 2014-10-15 01:11:27
When they start blooming, start digging them.
Response by Tracey at 2014-10-15 06:29:21
I dont know about vetch either, but here in FL we (as in my family/friends in our area) still haven't planted rye and oats yet. We don't plant until last part of Oct. first of part of Nov.
Response by Charlie T at 2014-10-15 08:41:37
If you don't already have a wheel hoe, I strongly recommend getting one. A wheel hoe gives you the power to dig up grasses that an ordinary hoe just doesn't have. I started usine a wheel hoe this year and I don't know how I ever got along without it.

IMHO, rye comes up stronger than wheat and can crowd out weeds a little better. Vetch won't hurt but it doesn't establish well as the season gets later. Next year just mow the cover crop until you are ready to terminate it and plant your veggies.
Response by M. Burley at 2014-10-17 20:27:33
We're still planting as the beans are coming off. Old timers say you can plant rye, barley, wheat, etc. up until election day here in the northeast.
Response by T Payne at 2014-10-28 05:47:53
The last of our barley is going in Today.

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