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Farm Question 10/07/2014
Posted by Jerry Hicks at 2014-10-07 05:15:35
What are the advantages of docking lambs?
Response by NoraWI at 2014-10-07 11:08:13
Better hygiene.
Response by Kate V(Va) at 2014-10-07 16:26:47
Cleanliness. Their tails don't get all cake-up with poo and mud.
Response by Stephen Hagen at 2014-10-07 21:57:44
Once you've seen flystrike, you will believe in docking. I know there are plenty people who argue the docking is inhumane. I simply don't see any discomfort beyond maybe a few seconds. If you get to them early it is no big deal. The bigger the tail the more it cuts and creates issues versus simply cutting of the circulation.
Response by Jerry Hicks at 2014-10-08 05:24:16
Docking is more hygienic and the lambs develop better as well as commanding a better price at market.
Response by S.Oh. Bill at 2014-10-08 19:05:53
When the lambs get started on spring grass, their manure will change from pellets to runny paste and will stick to the wool around the tail area. That's when the flies will lay eggs in the manure laden wool and the next thing to happen is maggots that burrow into the lambs skin. Now that's INHUMANE and that's the reason we dock lambs .

Response by Billy Foster at 2014-10-09 10:25:07
Keeping the bum area clean. Note: I like to leave enough tail to just cover the "girl parts". It allows them just enough tail to help with flies but not enough to cause a problem with manure build up. I have been doing it that way for years.

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