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Alfalfa advice
Posted by Billy Foster at 2014-07-25 07:46:02
I planted some alfalfa, it’s about 6” now, and the pig weed is really coming in heavy. I would like to clip the weeds before they go to seed. I am new to growing alfalfa so I am not sure how the young alfalfa plants will handle to clipping. Any advice would be appreciated.
Response by Dale Wagner at 2014-07-26 01:26:09
It is best if it got to 12 inches before clipping. It will have more nutrients in the root and regrow faster. Tough call on which is worse, the clipping now or the overcrowding by the pig weed.
Response by T Payne at 2014-07-26 04:55:00
Get as much of the pigweed greens for your own belly as you want, and start mowing, is what I would do, Billy.
Response by Billy Foster at 2014-07-27 07:39:35
I ended up clipping it at about 6 inches. some of the plants were cut but any of the pigweed over 6 inches was clipped off. I have a wheel for the outer shoe of my mower that allows me to get the bar as high as 12 inches. I think I will keep an eye on this field and clip it higher if the pigweed starts getting ahead of the alfalfa.

Thanks for the advice guys. Tom eat pigweed? well I guess I am going to have to give it a try. Do you treat it like salad greens?
Response by Dan in Illinois at 2014-07-27 08:18:17
If it is thorny pigweed like in IL. start clipping. If you don't kill it hay won't be good anyway if it is full of thorns.

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