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Brabant show
Posted by Bill Smith at 2014-07-22 08:28:38
Liked the Brabant show on RFDTV. Nice seeing a common sense explanaition of why mixed power works so well.
Response by Wes Lupher at 2014-07-22 21:54:52
I agree Bill. One of the better episodes we've seen.
Response by Klaus Karbaumer at 2014-07-23 11:54:42
Absolutely. I bought the video and plan on using excerpts in my Draft Horse Seminars for Marker Gardeners. I hope that's not illegal!!
Response by Charlie T at 2014-07-23 20:58:44
Thanks for posting--I just watched it on Vimeo http://vimeo.com/99251981
What a wonderful family, and some great horses, too.
Response by Dale Wagner at 2014-07-25 02:08:37
What impressed me was the fact that he used half barbants. You don't need giants to do the job, just need them to make horses weighing about 16-1700 which are the most effecint. Test run in the 20's proved 1600 was the most horse for the feed input. His halfbreeds showed good heart moving that shed and that is more important than just size.

The giant horses are for hitches and bring the most money if they qualify but if they don't, they use a lot more feed.
Response by Todd W at 2014-07-25 04:22:42
Yep, best show in a long time..
Response by Bill Smith at 2014-07-25 08:07:59
The guy made sense in my thinking. "I'm not gonna go out and plow in 90 degree heat. Use the tractor for that." Makes sense. Agree with Dale on the halfbreeds, he did it to get away from the "deadheads". see the same thing crossing Belgians with Percherons years back, you got a faster walking horse than a Belgian with a Percherons great feet, but a little more beef usually. Good mix.

The Baker seed company show was pretty dull. Love their catalog, glad they're on business, but that guy is dry as dust. Only so much you can do with an interview though. Still was interesting.
Response by KM at 2014-07-28 17:20:17
If he had a good team of shires he wouldn't need to cross breed!

All kidding aside, I liked the show. I liked the power forecart with the front casters. Got my design gears churning.


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