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New York carriage ban later this year – mayor
Posted by lc at 2014-04-13 16:07:05
Response by Vince Mautino at 2014-04-14 08:45:07
I wonder if he will ban the police force using them?
Response by Klaus Karbaumer at 2014-04-14 09:07:33
Wouldn't an alternative mean that the carriages can operate in the parks, just not in the bustling traffic of New York City streets ?
Response by T Payne at 2014-04-14 10:20:43
Response by Klaus Karbaumer at 2014-04-14 14:54:35
Thomas, I hope you are not referring to me!
I do believe that there is a legitimate question if in today's traffic with its many distracted drivers horses should be placed on bustling city streets for more than the shortest distances, e.g. when crossing over, but there cannot be any question that horses and carriages are extremely valuable attractions in parks and can provide a link to a different world for city dwellers. This link could be very educational!
Response by Mooney Ranch at 2014-04-14 21:53:42
I think the good mayor is not concerned with traffic but with the poor horses having to pull those people around. Those horses should be out in the pasture eating oats and grass and running free. Oh yea, and they should get some free health care.

Gerald (Gary) Ashby
Response by T Payne at 2014-04-15 04:16:06
No Klaus, I was commenting on the outright banning of the horse carriage feature that has been with NYC for so long.

You are correct, in my opinion, as to the sensibility of the carriages operating in Central Park, which is what they already are doing, for the most part. The Mayor is basically pandering to a few maladjusted nihilists, masquerading in the guise of "animal rights" activists. They don't care about animals as much as they care about overcompensating for their own inability to adjust to reality.

I hope that clears up my earlier comment, which juxtaposed in the thread through happenstance, unintentionally. :-)
Response by Klaus Karbaumer at 2014-04-15 08:15:29
I never thought you were, Thomas, just kidding.
Let's see how all of this pans out. As much as I know, the mayor originally said that right after he got into office the horses would be banned. Now it will be later in the year.That could be a politician's way out without having to admit that he was wrong to begin with or didn't really mean it.
Response by Carl Byerly at 2014-04-15 15:14:10
Isn't that mayor the idiot who wanted to dictate the size of soft drink a person could purchase? In any event, if you like idiots, you've got to love him.
Response by Klaus Karbaumer at 2014-04-15 21:13:29
No, Carl, that "idiot" was his predecessor, Mayor Bloomberg.
Response by Joe at 2014-04-16 06:16:55
Thank God for the North Country. It's truly different world up here. Wouldn't want to live anywhere but the ADK Mountains despite the 4" of new snow this morning and 15° temp. If I would have known spring was only going to last three days I would have enjoyed it more.
Response by T Payne at 2014-04-16 08:26:50
I think this is backwards week. High of 81 on Tuesday, low of 18 last night. At least its a good trick on those few flies that were buzzing around in the heat the other day.

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